the AETA

The Animal Enterprise Terrorism Act (AETA) is a 2006 piece of legislation that makes interference with and protest of animal enterprises, including First Amendment-protected activities, terrorism. The AETA is a frightening expansion of an already outrageous piece of legislation, the Animal Enterprise Protection Act.

To date, only a handful of people have actually been prosecuted under the AETA. In addition to Scott DeMuth, they are: Joseph Buddenburg, Maryam Khajavi, Nathan Pope, and Adriana Stumpo (the “AETA 4”), Alex Hall, and B.J. Viehl.

For more information about the AETA, check out the following links:

Analysis of the AETA by Will Potter

Animal Enterprise Terrorism 101 by Will Potter

Coalition to Abolish the AETA

Text of the AETA

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